Here’s Rute she came to me wanting some help to build her core/strength after quite a serious injury... 2 things in life...walking and breathing, would you agree we do that a lot lol? What’s really interesting is most people cant do this correctly to allow the human body the chance to function efficiently. I love this simple half keeling single arm row encouraging rotation of the T spine whilst using the diaphragm to breathe. If you notice Rute is first engaging the pull, retracting her shoulder then pulling to activate her posterior oblique sling.
Again, most general bods first initiate the movement with the pec/chest creating disfunction, I know I did myself before being educated in this....60 seconds on both sides x 4 #walking #movement #shoulders slide right for Rute nailing her lumbar stabilisation routine, during flexion and extension. It’s been quite tough to get the control but we’re making big progress. Feedback from the blood pressure cuff provides biofeedback. #dwightsfitness
Another good lad, sam loves to just have a blast each week and get some fitness in, whilst we do this I give him some work to do between sessions to work on his weaknesses. @samlloydjones #dwightsfitness
@markdanielprice this morning during his session i helped him to continue to strengthen his posterior chain, marks improved very well using the single leg RDL using the black band but here’s a good way to strengthen a weaker side during bilateral method... marks left glute is weaker, using the band helps to prevent the band pulling his knee inwards he has good feedback to keep pushing away activating his weakness. He’s now incorporating this into his schedule alongside his back squats. Here he’s using 20kg kettle bell in goblet squat style. #goblet #balance #weakness #imbalance #activate #dwightsfitness